How To Remove 100% A Stain From Your New Cashmere Sweater?

We wonder what we do if we have a stain on our cashmere sweater. We spent several hundred bucks on cashmere and want to use it as long as possible. Here is advice for removing stains from the cashmere sweater.

Cold Water

If you do have any washing machine or detergent around you. No worries, you can use cold water. Naturally we might think that hot, soapy water cleans any dirt or debris into submission. But, indeed heat has opposite effect on cashmere however it removes stains like tannin-based, permanent fixtures.

Cashmere Shampoo

If cold water does not work out on your situation, you can try cashmere shampoo. The specially formulated cashmere shampoo protects the cashemre fiber, keep them more softer, and extend the lifespan of your garment. We recommend hand washing your cashmere with this Cashmere Shampoo . Here is an easy steps to wash your cashmere sweater.

Step-1 Soak:

Fill the sink or wash bowl with warm water and add a capful of cashmere shampoo. Immerse the cashmere sweater and swish it gently, do not stretch or wring. Soak it for 10-15 minutes.

Step-2 Rinse:

Squeeze the water out of the sweater by gently rolling it up and squeezing it out without wringing or stretching it. Drain the water and replace it with clean, lukewarm water in the sink. To rinse the sweater, submerge it in water and swish it around. Repeat with clean water until all of the detergent has been removed.

Step-3 Roll:

Lay your cashmere garment on a white towel or a flat surface after squeezing out the water. Roll the towel and sweater together gently. EXTRA TIP : Walking along the rolled towel is a great way to get some exercise. This removes a lot of the water, making blocking easier, and helps the cashmere dry much faster.

Step-4 Dry:

Remove the sweater from the wet towel and place it on a clean, dry towel. Remember that towel should be flat as possible. Avoid the sun, heat, and heaters. Re-shape the sweater by laying out the sleeves and squaring the shoulders. Flatten the knitwear with your hands, removing any little pills.

Stain types

I know it sounds weird. But we know that there are many types of stains. Like a medical doctorm we can take proper actions based on what type of stains.

Make up based stains:

Blot the stained area carefully. After that, pre-treat the cashmere by soaking it in a moderate shampoo.

Chocolate based stains:

Put a cloth in liquid detergent and gently rub the stained part, being careful not to scrub too hard.

Red wine, tea, or coffee stains:

Dip the cloth into the mix of cold water and cashmere shampoo liquid and gently rub the stained area. Avoid using soap or machine detergents, since they will set rather than erase red wine stains.

After that, rinse the garment in cold water and hang it to dry. Your cashmere should be in like-new condition!

Washing Cashmere After Stain Removal

Don’t worry if your stain appears to be still there after you’ve spot treated it. Many forms of stains, particularly those derived from protein or oil-based compounds, are prone to this. When this happens, a full wash is often all that’s required, even if you have to wait a while before you can give your cashmere the full attention. When dealing with very tenacious stains, hand-washing is likely to be more effective and controlled than tossing it into the washing machine for a spin. Cool water, light detergent, and gently squeezing to remove excess water are the best ways to care for cashmere.

Once the garment has been washed, reshape it as needed and lay it flat to dry.

Knowing how to remove stains from cashmere clothes gives you the confidence to wear your favorite pieces with confidence and keep them looking as good as new for as long as you own them.

Finally, if you are interested the latest trending cashmere sweaters. Please visit our review page.

Read more on our blog about cashmere tips.

How often do you need to wash your cashmere sweater?

Cashmere sweaters with a loose knit

Approximately every 2-3 wears

Cashmere sweaters with a tight knit

Approximately every 4-4 wears

Wristles, hats, gloves and scarves

You should wash your clothes as soon as you notice indications of wear. Things is easier to do it straight immediately than than waiting.

Cashmere socks

And don’t forget to wash all of your cashmere before storing it for the summer! it will protect agains the moths.

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