How to repair the holes in your cashmere sweater?

Have you ever gone into your closet and pulled out your favorite sweater only to discover it has a big hole?. If yes, you are not alone. We react like, “oh no, who did it”. It is really frustrating to see it. Those tiny tears weren’t there before and you don’t recall abusing them. So let’s find out why it appeared and how to fix it.

1. Cause of hole in the cashmere

Indeed there could be a number of reasons:
– Your jewelry snags the fibers;
– You brush up against objects that catch the threads and cause holes;
– How are you going to wash the garment? Make sure you follow the label’s instructions. If your item is labeled “hand wash only,” you must be very careful with your handwashing approach, or you risk stretching and causing holes in it;
– it’s possible that the sweater’s quality is to blame. We may unknowingly purchase things that are of lower quality;
– A garment moth is likely to be the culprit. “There aren’t any moths flying over my house,” you might assume. It’s also likely that you haven’t seen any. But adult moths lay eggs on your warmest garments, resulting in those irritating holes in your sweaters, scarves, and coats. The eggs develop into larvae that eat natural fibers such as wool, cashmere, and silk.

2. Clean the sweater

If you think moth is the cause of the holes on your sweater. If it is not, skip this step. “Place the product in a Ziploc bag or a trash bag to keep it safe. It’s critical to keep it contained and isolated “Orkin’s manager of technical services, Chelle Hartzer, is advised. She continued, “Extreme cold or heat kills insects. You can either dry your item for 30 minutes or deep freeze it for 2-3 days”. To avoid shrinking your garment, she advised reading the cleaning labels carefully. On the other hand, Dry-washing is also an option for premium wool, cashmere, and silk.

3. Fix the hole in the cashmere sweater

The first method is for people who do not like sewing. It could be a much faster and easy way. It is called “Fuse it powder” and you can find the detail here. It seems like you can use this powder for longer, once you buy it.

The second method is, that you’ll need a matching yarn and an embroidery needle to fix or sew the hole in your cashmere. When we buy a sweater, it usually comes with matching yarn and an embroidery needle. If you don’t receive it, you can buy a matching yarn at a store. Taking your sweater will help you find yarn that is the same color or similar to it. The following is a very practical and easy way to mend the cashmere sweater hole.

But it is a life, sometimes you can not be found the matching yarn. You can mend the sweater hole and invisibly repair your cashmere sweater. This is definitely, something you can try.

Final thought

I’ve bought a lot of cashmere products over the years, and some of them were constructed with incredibly poor quality fiber that formed holes simply by looking at it incorrectly. I bought a sweater that developed holes within hours of wearing it. The sales employee persuaded me to exchange it for a new one rather than receive my money back…twice! I was young and naive at the time. So you can my suggestion for good cashmere sweaters here.

Most people are unaware that cashmere comes in many grades and qualities. This is attributable to a variety of factors, including the goat’s breed and the which countries it came from. Cashmere producers sometimes use low-quality cashmere to make a low-cost product.

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